Vintners.Net weather station project history

Being a grape grower, the weather becomes very important, especially when pioneering a grape growing area, even more especially when it's a cool-climate region. Mike is an old-time computer programmer with an electronics background, from his career before viticulture. Mike maintains his interest in the science behind grape growing by keeping up on the latest technology, and with his weather station project.

In 2012, with a financial contribution from his friend Andrew MacMillen of Hawkfeather Web Design, Mike purchased a weather station from Davis Instruments and installed it in his vineyard.

Mike has built a web-based system around this data, that facilitates weather condition warnings via txt or email, and tracks/plots Growing Degree Days, etc. Most significantly, it extrapolates Powdery Mildew growth from weather conditions and warns the owner that it's time to spray.

Once other local growers learned of this system, many wanted "in". The system now serves a handful of small vineyards in the Puget Sound AVA, each with their own local weather station. The project is available at no cost, more info at the project home page.

Copyright © 2012-2025 Mike Lempriere         Website hosting by Vintners.Net (running on host: bayanus)